The worldly adventures of Andrew and Charlie and of course mama and papa!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Something to make you smile!

Look what my little baby has discovered he can do! I can't even blame Andrew for this one. We keep asking Charlie to point to parts on his body and he will point to them and of course then he found 2 little holes perfect for little fingers.

A funny story, last night when we were waiting for the main electric garage door to open we all lined up to race down the hill to our garage. (Andrew and I do this everyday coming home from school.) There we waited and the door slowly creapt up, Andrew eager to win thought the door was open enough for him and cycled straight into it, crash. Of course we just laughed. Needless to say Andrew won the race.

Maybe it was one of those things were you had to be there!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What a Weekend!

First on Saturday we all went for a mega cycle. As always it was only meant to be a little one but somehow it was very long! We cycled down the canal on the cycle path then turned off down the country and stayed in Turnhout, or so we thought! Turns out we had cycled to the next town down, opps. At least the weather was nice even at 6.30pm.

Today, Sunday, we decided to go for a walk. Not too far mind we all had sore legs from yesterday. We all hopped into the car with our obligatory pick nick (for my hungry boys) and headed south. We ended up going to a lovely area near a village called Robertville. Yes it really was called that!

There is a dam and a very nice castle called the Reinhardstein. Around the castle there is a walk that is quite hilly, okay I lied it is very mountainous. Never mind our sore legs but we had a lovely walk around the valley under the castle. We also got to see the highest/longest waterfall in Belgium which is 60 mts.

We took so many pictures I will put them on our photo site. They are all lovely.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Where has February gone?

I cannot believe it is almost March and I haven't written anything. First I was ill then Robert went away and then we were busy doing silly things and the time has just flown by. We haven't really done very much. Even though Feb is the shortest month it sometimes seems to last forever with all the dull weather and not much to do. Today we went out for a long cycle even though it was meant to be a short ride. We made a wrong trn somewhere and ended up a lot further than we thought, oops!

Andrew is plodding along but getting very excited about going away with school to the farm. His class and the class above are going for a night away at a working farm on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th March. The first night away own his own!

Charlie has discovered welly boots. He brings them to me every morning to put on and will not take them off until bed time.

Here he is in his boots. He is so grown up lately and very bossy, we have already got the terrible two's tantrums! He copies everything Andrew does and they love to play with each other. They disappear away to their room and all I can hear is them laughing.

Here is a picture Papa took this morning and I can't believe how big they have both gotten. My big boys.